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Rising Star Practitioner Initiation

Scheduled Upon Request

$700 - can be paid in installments

Practitioner certification is available to all who wish to become a Practitioner of the Rising Star Healing System. This energy therapy is a highly effective tool that assists humanity in moving forward toward health, happiness, and enlightenment. 


Certification classes offer a warm and inviting experience that incorporate training, manuals, and hands-on practice. As a certified practitioner, you will be granted access to an online resource, where you'll find business and marketing tools to assist in your practice. 


Even if you do not plan to offer sessions or classes to others, once the energy of the Rising Star is within your aura, that energy will benefit all who come into your energy field. Becoming a practitioner or teacher of the Rising Star will enable you to be in greater service to yourself and others. 


The Rising Star Healing System comes from Master Teacher and Healer Derek O'Neill. For more information or to find a teacher in another area, go to

Prema Agni: Fire of Divine Love

Available to your Group upon Request

The Prema Agni is an energy healing symbol which opens the heart to give and receive love. Prema Agni means Fire of Divine Love. It is an ancient healing symbol that can be drawn energetically on anyone by anyone. Come and experience the Prema Agni, learn how to draw it for others, and discover the many ways in which you can share and activate this precious symbol! Children who can sit quietly and follow directions with the support of a caregiver are welcome to attend for $7. For more information go to

Prema Dharmadhatu Healing Workshop

Available to your Group upon Request

Join us for a workshop on the Prema Dharmadhatu, a sacred healing energy of the Divine Feminine. This sacred symbol means ‘seed of truth’ or ‘point of truth’. The Prema Dharmadhatu helps both the giver and the receiver to experience expanding love, supporting each of us to expand through resistance, gently move past blocks, and connect to pure love. Come learn how to activate this powerful healing symbol for yourself and others!


For more information go to

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